How to decrease the cart abandonment rate for your NopCommerce website

  • August 17, 2020
  • Ashish Shah
  • Ecommerce Development
  • No Comments

Customers should be the first priority, starting from choosing the product to increase the conversion rate. Numerous NopCommerce e-commerce store owner ignores the fact that almost 20% of potential customers abandon the cart because of the messy checkout process. The simple and straightforward checkout process can boost your sales and ensure that those high-value customers keep returning. So here we have mentioned few astonishing features you can use for your Nopcommerce development company to boost your conversion rate, whilst making your customers’ lives easier.

1. Digital Wallets
Our beloved PM Narendra Modi’s effort and COVID-19 situation has encouraged online payments much more than ever. You can offer easy digital payment options to your customers along with COD(cash on delivery) option. You can avail different Digital wallet solutions such as PayPal, Google Pay, Paytm and can store consumers’ payment information and addresses online in the one secure location like Amazon or Flipkart.

Digital wallets decrease abandon rate at checkout process because your customers can order in one click. Those days are long gone when users have to manually input long credit card numbers or have to pay cash only and bargain at the time of delivery for change. Still not convinced? E-Commerce merchants who have introduced digital wallets saw an increase in their sales conversion rate by 3X. There are a number of inbuilt Digital wallet options NopCommerce e-commerce store development company provides as payment gateways for your online customers.

2. Real-Time Card Validation
The long, complicated and messy checkout process can be your e-commerce store failure. After a survey, we found out that 28% of the abandon at checkout because of this and another 4% said because the credit card was declined. Imagine going through all the process and filling out all of your required information and it just gets reset or cancelled due to one missing or incorrect digit on the credit card input field. It’s not hard to imagine how annoying this can be, right? But you can provide options to improve the outcome for your user. You can create an interactive element that can show card validation in real-time to your users. It’ll check their card type, name, number, expiry date and CVC as they type and tell them if something has been incorrectly entered and they just have to add the OTP manually for security purpose.

3. Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)
By this time, if anyone is not able to complete the payment process pf full amount, they can’t buy the product whether it is online or offline. Lay-bys in-store is often time-consuming and the customer can’t get that instant satisfaction of a new purchase because they need to wait until they’ve paid off the item before taking it home.

But you can provide Instant lay-bys, or “buy now, pay later” (BNPL) feature for your e-commerce store offering customers buy now, pay later as a driver for conversions. It hasn’t got much recognition in It could be the great recognition in the Indian market till now but it can be the great way to attract the new customers and take a hold on existing potential customers. If you want to get started, you can contact the NopCommerce development company to integrate this feature to your NopCommerce store.

4. Address Lookup and Validation
You can save a lot of time of your customers by providing real-time address lookup and validation. How can you do this right? Here is the way. You can pop up the address saved by the customer as they start typing their address and allow the customer to choose the closest match. It can also help you as it ensures that your deliveries reach their intended destination. You will also reduce wastage and excess print or delivery costs with compliant addressing. If you are convinced ask your NopCommerce developer to integrate a tool like AddressFinder, using in-built or creating API, or one of their platform plugins.

5. Click & Collect
Just like Buy now pay later Click & Collect also haven’t got much recognition. It has been available for a while now, yet many e-commerce store businesses fail to take advantage of the benefits it offers. In India, for many various reasons like customers didn’t want to get delivered their products at their home or office. As it could be any reason as not available at the time of delivery or living in outskirts as it is hard to deliver the products they intended to buy. So, you can offer an option to buy online, pick up in-store.

By providing this option you are allowing customers to pick-up the order at a time that’s more convenient for them. If you own a grocery or medical store, it can be more profitable for you as your customers can pick their orders on the way home without the hassle of walking down every aisle by saving a lot of time of yours and them. You can go a step further if you can provide the facility to deliver the order by coming out from the store to your customer’s vehicle.

6. Fast Delivery
The lesser the delivery time, the greater the sales rate. Delivery speed has started becoming more important for customers nowadays. According to the survey, 43% of customers abandon the cart after seeing more than 3 days of delivery time. You can increase your conversion rate by providing next-day, same-day delivery or even 3-hour delivery for metro areas or to the premium customers just like Amazon. As the number shows, two-thirds of online shoppers (63%) have been agreed that they would surely buy an item if any reliable e-commerce store if they can get the next-day delivery option. For the faster delivery option, you can integrate your nopcommerce development services with third-party solutions to help you ship and deliver your orders faster and can make your life a whole lot easier.

7. Social Registration and Login
As a normal human being switching from work problems to life problems, it is a challenging task to remember all of the accounts and passwords. I don’t know about you but I always messed up my account credentials one with other. You can provide an easy social login feature to reduces friction at checkout. A study conducted by a well-known company shows that there’s a 52% increase in conversion rate when online businesses provide a social media login/signup option.

Not only does this type of registration/login to help your customers, but it also allows your marketing team to seize the verified data which you can use to market your products or offers. NopCommerce provides the plugins, like this which let your customers to login or register via their social accounts. You can track the platforms your users are on for a deeper look at their behaviour and integrate the feature likewise.

8. In Feed Social Checkout
Social media is one of the biggest markets to get potential customers for any e-commerce store owner. You can help your customers buy where ever they are. Social commerce is a flourishing market with an expected yearly growth rate of 34% between 2017 to 2021. You can utilize in this growth by providing the feature of an in-app or in-browser checkout option for people who are willing to shop from their social media feed. It will not only make your customers’ lives easier, but you’ll also improve your bottom line. You can market your products on social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. They provide access to your customers shop directly from their feed. For example, Instagram provides a feature for brands to tag up to 5 products in a post. The tags allow you to display product information like price and a link to purchase. Once a user clicks on the product link, it will redirect them to an in-app website browser, where your user can quickly swap back to scrolling through their feed after viewing/ordering the product, if they want to.

I hope this blog can help you to decrease the cart abandon rate and enrich your e-commerce store. We have provided some great ideas about how you can improve your customers’ checkout experience and you are willing to innovate your NopCommerce store NCode technologies – NopCommerce development services can help you. We are providing e-commerce web development services from the past decade. We have a team of developers who have a handful of experience in web development and have successfully delivered our services to the clients by creating and executing an eCommerce new and innovative strategies to achieve their business goals.

About The Author


Ashish Shah

Ashish Shah is the Founder and CEO of NCode Technologies, Inc. a leading Web & Mobile App Development Company based in India. He is the chief mentor and strategist with over 10+ years of experience in providing various IT solution to different industries. He also likes to share his view on different technology and marketing techniques via different blogs and articles.