Laravel Web development for enterprise apps

  • August 14, 2020
  • Ashish Shah
  • Laravel Development
  • No Comments

One of the common questions Laravel enthusiasts and entrepreneurs always ask all around is, is that possible to build enterprise apps with Laravel? Is it enough preparation to manage big projects? No one can answer it as simple yes or no. If you want the one-word answer for it then it could be “it depends”.  Hire Dedicated Laravel Developer for more information. As there are many factors on which the answer relies on as mentioned below.

1.  How would you represent a mobile app?
2. Is it upon lines of codes?
3.  Is it Based on dependencies? The amount of security? Or on traffic?

Most of the people would define it based on the number of classes, which in other words would indicate that big enterprise apps would be called thus based on the number of lines of code. The scope of big enterprise apps, however, is broader and all the attributes mentioned above define this scope. To get the perfect answer to your question, we can see what Laravel can offer and check potentialities whether it is possible to build enterprise apps with Laravel or not. However, let’s first start with some examples-

Companies that have built Enterprise apps with Laravel web development.
There is not just one but millions of websites running on Laravel web development as Alexa 500, multiple Fortune 500 companies. If we consider video game industries Fallout 4 had their landing page on Laravel. If you will try to find industry-specific Best Larval Development Companies, you will find thousands of examples.

The signification of Laravel to fir for enterprise apps

The list of features of Laravel web development is never-ending. so to simplify the understanding we have listed outstanding features of Laravel to fit for big enterprise apps.

1. Service Container: A compelling tool for managing class dependencies and executing dependency injection.

2. Queues: Laravel queues allow developers to postpone the processing of a time-consuming task, for a later time. Laravel queues give a centralized API across several queue backends and even a relational database.

3. Events: Laravel events present a simple observer implementation to understand and subscribe to events that happen in your application.

4. Artisan: Laravel Development Company normally interacts with this framework using a command line that generates the Laravel project environment and manages it. This built-in tool for command-line is formally known as Artisan. This tool helps the developers to automate the majority of dull and repetitive programming tasks that most of the Laravel web developers avoid performing them manually.

5. Migration for The Databases: Laravel helps you to manage Migration assists to enlarge the structure of the database without the necessitate to re-create it every time the developer modifies it. It also helps to secure the development data from any damage.

6. Security: When you develop enterprise apps with Laravel, it enhances the security of the app by providing extra authentication of the salted and hashed password. It means that your password will never be saved as plain text in its database of Laravel and as a result, you can build secure enterprise apps.

 7. Modular: Laravel is quite big as it is built on more than 20 different libraries. It is split into various individual libraries and embraces modern PHP principles, allowing a Laravel development company to develop more responsive, modular, and easy to use web apps.

After learning this 1 more question arise, how to build an enterprise app? Just keep in mind you’re managing a good cache or session driver like Memcached or Redis, on a server like Elasticache if you’re on AWS. At Laravel web development level, check if you’re using the config: cache, route: cache, make sure you’re using composer dump-autoload –optimize. Take note of another great thing to do is to divide your database from your web-server. It will make it is easier to do the scaling, like if you want to add the second server.


Hence, we have listed the powerful features that Laravel web development that offers and the examples of the big enterprises who have their web apps on Laravel, I hope this blog has made it clear that you can build enterprise apps with Laravel.

If you want to develop your enterprise app using Laravel web development or want to hire Laravel developer then we at NCode are delighted to offer you our best services. always there for them.

About The Author


Ashish Shah

Ashish Shah is the Founder and CEO of NCode Technologies, Inc. a leading Web & Mobile App Development Company based in India. He is the chief mentor and strategist with over 10+ years of experience in providing various IT solution to different industries. He also likes to share his view on different technology and marketing techniques via different blogs and articles.