Importance of Page Speed in Ecommerce Conversion Rate

  • May 15, 2020
  • Ashish Shah
  • Ecommerce Development
  • No Comments
top NopCommerce development Company

When we talk about online sales, we need to understand that we are dealing with people who already do not have time to visit a physical store or who like me are lazy to take some help of their muscles. If you have an e-commerce website developed by Top NopCommerce Development Company then you are already on plus one. Consumers usually don’t waste their time or making them click on that refresh button again, they will move on to your competitor and maybe never visit you at all or worst share their bad experience with your e-commerce store with others.

You might have the most attractive eCommerce web store in the world but if it is not fast enough to open, it will not generate any sale. Users these days compare speed to performance, trust, and faith. Having a blazing fast eCommerce web store can be beneficial to your store in many ways.

Increases Sales and Conversions
The speed of an eCommerce web store plays a vital role in its conversion rate. Making an appealing web store or offering deals only work if the website fast enough to show them. According to data in an Unbounce post,” there are more than $18 billion worth shopping carts abandoned a year for eCommerce websites, 18% of those abandoned carts are because of slow page-load time.”

In The Minds of Potential Audience, A Slow Site = Non-Trusted Site!
Some Interesting Facts:

• Decreasing page load speed by 3 seconds increases revenue by 7-12%.
• A web store having page loading time with 3 seconds or more can divert 22% of your conversation rate to your competitor’s website.
• A web store has to load a page in less than a second.
• If an eCommerce web store makes $100,000/day, a delay of 1 second in the page speed could possibly take the e-commerce website owner annually $2.5 million loss.
• A website like Amazon’s estimated that a page speed slowdown of just one second could cost them $1.6 billion in sales each year.
• Google has estimated that if it slows down its search results by just four-tenths of a second they might lose 8 million queries per day.

Web store developed with top NopCommerce development Company has already speedy web store these benefits are already in their favor from the starting. We’ll know about the other benefits in upcoming blogs.

About The Author


Ashish Shah

Ashish Shah is the Founder and CEO of NCode Technologies, Inc. a leading Web & Mobile App Development Company based in India. He is the chief mentor and strategist with over 10+ years of experience in providing various IT solution to different industries. He also likes to share his view on different technology and marketing techniques via different blogs and articles.