Tried And Tested Elements to Add to Your Website that Will Flood You With Sales

  • March 14, 2019
  • Ashish Shah
  • Digital Marketing - SEO
  • No Comments

Let’s talk about numbers.

According to Nasdaq, a whopping 95% of all purchases will be made online by 2040.


The number shared by Nasdaq is just one of the many figures pointing to how powerful ecommerce has become — and how much more prevalent it will be.

And if you aren’t getting your share of the proverbial ecommerce pie because you don’t know how to create a profitable ecommerce store, then I’m glad that you’re here.

I will share with you four elements that you can add to your ecommerce website that will flood you with online sales.

1. Compelling copy

If you want to flood your business with sales, it takes more than just having a website copy that’s devoid of missing punctuations, grammar mistakes, or typographical errors.

You need to incorporate psychological triggers into your website — impactful ones!

Among the many psychological triggers, you can use is social validation.

If you add an element of social validation in your copy, it’ll be easier for your audience to make a purchase since they know that your product has already been validated or liked by other people.

Do you want an example?

Check out how’s product pages look.

The page’s copy has several social validation elements to it.

As their web visitors see the number of reviews, star ratings, and even the number of people who took action on the offer (among other things), it becomes easier for them to purchase the products themselves.

After all, if others liked the product, then it’s most likely a good product to buy.

Adding social validation is so crucial, you’ll find that most business owners who know the tricks of the trade for ranking high in Amazon searches take the time to boost their products’ reviews and ratings.

Social validation is just one of the many elements you can add to your copy.

Here are several other elements that you can add:

  • The element of scarcity
  • Pain points to remind your audience of the pain and hassle they experience
  • Benefits, instead of features
  • Testimonials
  • Free shipping offers
  • Etc.

When you have these elements in your copy, you’ll have a better chance of closing your web visitors into paying customers.

2. Add conversion-inducing elements.

Whether you’re looking to work with a freelancer who can help you with your website’s PHP programming, or you’re thinking of creating your website yourself, you need to realize that having a good-looking site doesn’t always guarantee good conversion.

Your website needs to have the elements that can persuade your web visitors to either sign-up or have them straight-up buy from you.

What elements am I talking about? Here are a few:

  • Email capture forms
  • Discount offers
  • Freebies
  • Coupons
  • Etc.

Here’s an example of an email capture form.

As you can see, you don’t have to complicate things just to increase your sales or website conversion.

Sometimes, all it takes is to add an element or two, and you’ll be in a better position to get better results.

Here’s another example. (A discount offer.)

And another… (A freebie.)

As you can probably imagine, these elements can push your readers to either click your “buy now” button or have them sign up to your newsletter, which then gives you the opportunity to nurture your relationship with them so they can trust you with their hard-earned cash.

3. One call-to-action that rules them all.

I get it. You’d like to get the most out of your website visitors, don’t you?

You’d like to convert them into paying customers; you want them to sign-up, you want them to engage with you, comment on your posts, share your posts, wash your dishes, apply wax on your car, etc. (OK, so the last two might be an exaggeration. 🙂 )

I hear you.

And, tbh, I agree with you. After all, it makes perfect sense for anyone to get as much value out of their website traffic.

But here’s the thing: While getting as much mileage out of your relationships is good and all, you need to realize that there is proper timing for everything.

If you tell your web visitors to do truckloads of things all at once, the chances are, they’ll just click away out of confusion, or they’ll experience analysis paralysis.

To remedy this, you’d want to add one call-to-action only.

Yup. Just one.

The most important one.

For most people, it’s asking their readers to click their “Buy Now” button.

For others, their call-to-action is to let their readers sign-up for an event.

The CTAs used vary depending on which part of the marketing funnel your web visitor lands on, or at which phase they are in their buying cycle.

Once they complete their purchase, that’s when you can upsell or ask them to do other things like sharing your product or joining your community (among other things).

4. Add customer testimonials.

Which do you think has a better probability of convincing a prospective buyer to make a purchase:

a) A company that keeps on going about how amazing their products are?


b) Customers testifying how awesome a product is?

You chose the latter, didn’t you?

After all, customer testimonials have more credibility — because they tend to be impartial — compared to a company that’s just self-promoting their products.

That being said, the more people say that your product is worth every dollar they spend, the more likely your prospective customers will trust your company.

The good news is, getting your customers to give their testimony about your product is dead-easy.

Here are three tried and tested strategies you can use to get customer testimonials:

  1. Publish a contest in FB asking your audience to share their testimony about your product — in exchange for the possibility of getting free merchandise.
  2. Give a discount to whoever shares their testimony about your product.
  3. Straight up ask your clients for testimonials. If they’re happy with your work, they’ll be more than happy to oblige.

What’s next?

Have you been struggling with your online sales?

Are you getting very little to no sales at all despite you spending truckloads of cash on the website you built?

If you answered with a “yes,” and you’ve just about had it with seeing “$0” on your site analytics’ “Sales” report, then be sure to follow the tips shared above.

Feel free to get back here days from now and tell us the kind of results you’ve gotten from following the tips. Cheers!

About The Author


Ashish Shah

Ashish Shah is the Founder and CEO of NCode Technologies, Inc. a leading Web & Mobile App Development Company based in India. He is the chief mentor and strategist with over 10+ years of experience in providing various IT solution to different industries. He also likes to share his view on different technology and marketing techniques via different blogs and articles.